Mortal Engines

2018 • 128 минут
418 пікір
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Осы фильм туралы ақпарат

Visionary filmmaker Peter Jackson presents a startling new adventure unlike any you've seen before. Hundreds of years after our civilization was destroyed, a new world has emerged. A mysterious young woman named Hester Shaw leads a band of outcasts in the fight to stop London – now a giant predator city on wheels – from devouring everything in its path.

Бағалар мен пікірлер

418 пікір
Christopher James
2019 ж. 13 сәуір
Movie starts good but fails in the final act. For a post apocalyptical movie everything is clean it should have been more dark. A rolling mega city does not make sense if the environment looks to be habitable. (observation) The main male actor looks like the current prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau. The only good thing about the movie is the main female actor's connection to the cyborg and Hugo weaving who's acting is top notch and steals the movie.
Troy Leonard
2019 ж. 13 наурыз
That was one of the top ten worst movies I have ever watched. The special effects were on point, the story however was terrible, the script must have been written on toilette paper. The acting was Okay, some were good but held back by the lame material. Others belonged in a second grade class room. if I didn't use google rewards points to watch this I would want my money back as it is I only want half my money back.
Бұл пікір 5 адамға пайдалы болды.
2020 ж. 17 қаңтар
It was okay. Wouldn't watch it again, and I would have had more interest in doing something else, but the concept was intriguing. The entire idea of cities on wheels was very interesting, but I would have liked to have more information. The shrike thing was kind of confusing. I'm sure he had a much bigger role in the book, but at first he felt like a side character that didn't matter, and then all of a sudden we were supposed to be so invested in him as a character. 4/10