Mortal Engines

2018. • 128 minuta
696 recenzija
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O ovom filmu

Visionary filmmaker Peter Jackson presents a startling new adventure unlike any you‘ve seen before. Hundreds of years after our civilization was destroyed, a new world has emerged. A mysterious young woman named Hester Shaw leads a band of outcasts in the fight to stop London – now a giant predator city on wheels – from devouring everything in its path.

Ocene i recenzije

696 recenzija
Philipp Weissenbacher
4. jun 2019.
It seems as if animators had some time and figured that they could put cities onto wheels and end up with a movie. The story is lacklustre at best, the dialogues are badly written and not engaging. The acting is passable, but also not much to write home about. The whole movie feels like a massive drag. I hate myself for spending 6 € on this CGI hotchpotch with a tacked on story-line.
559 osoba smatra da je ova recenzija korisna
Andrie Keoghan
14. jul 2019.
When i seen the trailer of this film i told to myself that I'm not gonna watch because of bad reviews but i was wrong the movie itself has many action-packed scenes that'll make you watch it once. The story seems like a normal one but the visual and cgi stands up for the stunning and appealing graphics! 4/5 👍
35 osoba smatra da je ova recenzija korisna
Andreas Marcoulis
28. jun 2019.
Okay so... this movie itself is nice to watch for a sci-fi/action/adventure movie... the transition from book to the big screen was flawed... it lacked some book content and you knew that something was missing in the aspect of character development and the basic story line.... it is fine thought but not great.. as it lacks what i said before.... if you want to find out more buy the Book for thats what i enjoyed most ;)
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