Most Likely to Succeed

2018年 • 89分
8 件のレビュー


The feature-length documentary Most Likely To Succeed examines the history of education in the United States, revealing the growing shortcomings of conventional education methods in today’s innovative world. The film explores compelling new approaches that aim to transform learning as we know it. After seeing this film, the way you think about “school” will never be the same. Over a century ago, American education underwent a dramatic transformation as the iconic one-room schoolhouse evolved into an effective system that produced an unmatched workforce tailored for the 20th Century. As the world economy shifts and traditional white-collar jobs begin to disappear, that same system remains intact, producing potentially chronic levels of unemployment among graduates in the 21st Century. The film follows students into the classrooms of High Tech High, an innovative new school in San Diego. There, over the course of a school year, two groups of ninth graders take on ambitious, project-based challenges that promote critical skills rather than rote memorization. Most Likely To Succeed points to a transformation in learning that may hold the key to success for millions of our youth – and our nation – as we grapple with the ramifications of rapid advances in technology, automation and growing levels of income inequality.


8 件のレビュー
Ross Leadbetter
There is a 'gamble' that we have to decide we are willing to take, and this is an excellent, honest and open examination of that gamble. Do we want to continue to educate students for a past-time and use standardized tests to determine 'learning' or do we break open the paradigm of education and let students and teachers free to create knowledge? You must watch this if you are concerned at all about the future. Our challenges as a species will not be best overcome by narrow thinkers who are trained to sit still and be compliant -- they will be overcome by dynamic collaborators who know how to acquire, create, design, and convert knowledge to use. You must watch!
Jose Ilitzky
Eye opening, it really made me question what we currently value and encourage as a society in our education system and its students. It's good to know there are already alternatives in place and I can't wait to see the results of the creative work being done in these innovative schools.
Andrew Ravin
So important and so powerful. An honest, fair, and straightforward account of the challenges and opportunities in progressive, project-based, maker education.

