
2019 • 85 minutu
49 iritzi
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Mosul, Iraq's second largest city is overrun by ISIS fighters and the Islamic State, imposing a reign of terror to the city, as a disgraced and disorganized Iraqi Army retreats to Baghdad. Years later, a revitalized army of Iraqi soldiers and militiamen mobilize to liberate the city. ALI MULA, an Iraqi journalist, joins this army of uneasy allies to find out if they can put aside their sectarian differences and free their country. MULA encounters an unforgettable group of characters ranging from a Sunni tribal leader named "the Crocodile", a militia leader avenging the death of her husband, an Iraqi Army colonel brushing aside sectarian differences, to refugees fleeing from the brutality of ISIS occupation. In the aftermath of Mosul's liberation and back home again in Baghdad, MULA ponders the question: Is the war against ISIS over, or have the seeds of the next sectarian conflict already been sown?

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49 iritzi
Andrew Ball
2019(e)ko abuztuaren 28(a)
It was heartbreaking and exceptionally well done. I was in Mosul in 2006 with a US Army Stryker Brigade Combat Team and was back in Iraq in 2015 supporting the fight against ISIS. This is hard hitting and brutally honest. It helped me gain perspective in dealing with my PTSD by helping me find a degree of closure. Amazing movie.
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Vanity 86
2019(e)ko ekainaren 10(a)
Very difficult to watch, and it tends to be grim and macabre, BUT, Mosul is a truly great documentary. The figures and civilians offer compelling and often disturbing stories and the crew manages to capture excellent shots of the war, the fact that they survived it is nothing short of a miracle. A "must watch" - and required viewing - for all to understand what is happening in the world.
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Carlos Maza
2019(e)ko ekainaren 18(a)
Viewers will find themselves wanting to stay longer, as they are introduced to each of the featured characters - listening to their life stories, their sorrows, their misfortune, and their victories. They used real footage for this film that will have you on the edge of your seat. Most importantly, Mosul shows the very recent history of a city ravaged by terrorists' hate, and the sectarian clashes that are still sadly alive to this day.
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