Mountain Patrol (Dubbed)

2006 • 88 минут
8 отзывов
Рейтинг Rotten Tomatoes
PG-13 (до 13 лет только со взрослыми)
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Информация о фильме

Kekexili, the largest wildlife reserve in China, is home to many rare species. When photojournalist Ga Yu (Zhang Lei) arrives at the Kekexili Mountain Patrol camp, they are mourning the death of one of their members. Determined to uncover the real story behind the disappearance of patrol volunteers, the slaughtering of Tibetan antelopes and the rumor that the patrol cooperates with the poachers, Ga Yu joins the squad into the wilderness. Led by Ri Tai (Duo Bujie), the patrol risk their lives in the fight against the brutal hunters. At first distanced by the lens of his camera, Ga Yu slowly becomes personally involved in the deadly struggle. Ga Yu returns to Beijing a different man and writes the story that shocks the nation. © 2004 Columbia Pictures Film Production Asia Limited. All Rights Reserved.
Возрастные ограничения
PG-13 (до 13 лет только со взрослыми)

Оценки и отзывы

8 отзывов
deborah elliott
29 мая 2021 г.
Beautiful with a happy ending!
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