Movie 43

2013. • 94 perc
1,28 E vélemény
17 év felettieknek
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Sem hangsáv, sem felirat nem áll rendelkezésre a nyelveden. A következő nyelveken áll rendelkezésre felirat: angol.

A filmről

From the twisted minds of producers Peter Farrelly (Hall Pass, Shallow Hal) and Charles Wessler (There's Something About Mary, Dumb & Dumber), comes Movie 43 -- the outrageous new ensemble comedy starring some of the biggest names in Hollywood!
17 év felettieknek

Értékelések és vélemények

1,28 E vélemény
Andrew Rojas
2016. október 3.
An all star cast in a waist of time movie. There is about 2 skits that are funny throughout the whole movie. The real "storylines" are different depending on which version you watch (Theatrical or Unrated) and they're both equally stupid and pointless. This movie should have NEVER been made! Oh and don't think it's over after the credits because there is more torture right after the gag reel. This movie should be aborted from time.
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buddy Tweed
2020. március 29.
The best Motion Picture of All time Life changing when i was a young child my mother and father would often time talk about a movie called the swimmer Burt Lancaster I think maybe up for Oscar they said it was a life changing for them 60 years later I know how they felt and all this time I thought The Lobster was The King of film Now I know there is no other film could come close to so much Talent in one place this as been a Life Changing I feel reborn Thank you Thank you....I'm gonna get flat black paint and spray Movie 43 on the hood and trunk lid just to show how much your film hit my Soul My God .....Im crying right now this is a 12.99 for a mer $2.99 $3.99 just buy ...Don't be a Dummy I'm gonna buy my self. God bless every one
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Chris Trent
2013. július 10.
So many of u are jaded, ur posts are probably like yep seen it dude sucks, or eh this movie sucks blah blah blah, that's why ur life sucks cuz u can't or don't have a sense of humor, I especially laughed at the Hugh Jackman skit, reminded me of Men in Black, ballchinian lol. But yeah u people lack something in ur life if u didn't think anything in this movie was funny, u need to smoke a blunt them come back and watch it.
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