Mr. Church

2016 • 105 minutes
316 avis
Interdit aux moins de 13 ans
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À propos de ce film

Mr. Church tells the story of a unique friendship that develops when a little girl and her dying mother retain the services of a talented cook – Henry Joseph Church. What begins as a six-month arrangement instead spans fifteen years, and creates a family bond that lasts forever.
Interdit aux moins de 13 ans

Notes et avis

316 avis
Remington Jackson
22 sánzá ya libwa 2021
Such an underrated movie, I will have to add it to my collection. Eddie Murphy was not the original choice to play Mr. Church, but I'm glad he did. The trailer let you know a little about the movie, but there was much more. I wished this movie had a better rating. This deserved an award and that is such a shame, but it has earned my money. Please give it a try.
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Un utilisateur de Google
2 sánzá ya libwa 2017
I guess some reviewers just have a dark view of everything in this world. The story was heart warming, beautiful, and a pleasant reminder that humanity does have redeeming qualities. I certainly recommend renting if not owning this fine film. It was, as many other reviewers have noted, one of Murphy's better performances and a refreshing alternative to his usual slap stick.
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Esa Joy Parker
27 sánzá ya zómi na míbalé 2016
This drama is a great view on a different side of Eddie Murphy's stereotypical comedic characters. I like how he portrayed a jazz-loving man who wanted nothing more but to make sure a mother and her child would be taken care of. I like the plot; it's a kind of story I would certainly believe in if someone had told it to me.
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