Mulholland Drive

2001 • 146 minút
55 recenzií
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Tento film

A contemporary film noir directed by David Lynch. Part one : She found herself inside the perfect mystery. Part two : A sad illusion. Part three : Love.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

55 recenzií
Morgan Burdick
7. marca 2022
By the end I am still somewhat confused. Two stars for good acting. Maybe I am missing something but I'm glad I only rented this movie. I kept hoping if I just continue watching it things will eventually make sense..... Nope two and half hours later theirs still things that don't add up.
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David Woodard
29. augusta 2019
Typical quirky from director D Lynch. Story doesn't make total sense, but good acting! Wish ther was more Robert Forster. Could rate a star higher?
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Des Duhfaux
29. júna 2021
Interesting & compelling tale, ( from THE REAL L.A.). Portrayed how it truly is to find a unique way to make your dreams come true in Hollywood.
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