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Murder on the Orient Express

2017 • 113 мүнөт
1,05 миң сын-пикир
Рейтинг жана сын-пикирлер текшерилген жок  Кеңири маалымат
Азырынча кыргыз тилинде коштолгон видео да, коштомо жазуулар да жок. Коштомо жазуулар төмөнкү тилдерде жеткиликтүү: англисче, болгарча, венгерче, голландча (Бельгия), голландча (Нидерланд), грекче, датча, исландча, испанча, испанча (Латын Америкасы), италиянча, латышча, литовчо, немисче, норвежче, орусча, полякча, португалча, португалча (Бразилия), румынча, сербче, словакча, словенче, түркчө, украинче, финче, французча, французча (Канада), хорватча, чехче, шведче жана эстончо

Бул кино тууралуу

Kenneth Branagh directs and leads an all-star cast, including Johnny Depp, Penélope Cruz, Willem Dafoe and Judi Dench, in this stylish, suspenseful and thrilling mystery based on the best-selling novel by Agatha Christie. Everyone’s a suspect when a murder is committed on a lavish train ride, and a brilliant detective must race against time to solve the puzzle before the killer strikes again.

Баалар жана сын-пикирлер

1,05 миң сын-пикир
Betsy moo
2021-ж., 1-май
After 3 years still no English subtitles. Yet in the description it listed as having one. Saaaad! The film rating is the same. But the version of it in Google Play Movies... 👎 Previous review: "Brilliantly portrayed. Though, does Google update Movies? In my previous reviews of movie titles I'd always mention that good subtitles are essential in video copies which is why I'd ask for it in an update. So if you guys could add English subtitles that would be really awesome!"
101 адам бул сын-пикирди пайдалуу деп белгиледи
2020-ж., 20-июнь
شفت الفلم بدايته حلوه ونهايته غير متوقعه وصادمة لكن بالنص حسيت المعلومات كانت تقدم لنا جاهزه والايضاح لمن قد يكون المجرم كان شفوي لاكن بصراحه النهاية حلوة جدا والفلم جيد 👍🏻
Marco Ras
2018-ж., 30-апрель
This is an OKAY movie only. It is not bad because the acting is good and it is really well made. However it isn't great because you cannot really feel part of the investigation. Everything is extremely fictional. You need to concentrate just to follow the movie, where I was hoping for a movie where you are also trying to solve the murder as it plays out...
179 адам бул сын-пикирди пайдалуу деп белгиледи