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Music and Lyrics

2007 • 104 amaminithi
413 izibuyekezo
Izilinganiso nezibuyekezo aziqinisekisiwe  Funda Kabanzi
Akutholakali umsindo noma imibhalo engezansi ngolimi lwakho. Imibhalo engezansi itholakala nge-i-English, isi-Chinese (i-Singapore), isi-Indonesian, ne-isi-Malay.

Mayelana nale movie

First you're hot, then you're not...and then you're Alex Fletcher (HUGH GRANT). So when the sizzlingest tween-queen on the charts asks the has-been '80s pop sensation to write her a song, he grabs for another chance at stardom. Problem: Alex can say it with music, but he sure can't say it with words. Enter Sophie Fisher (DREW BARRYMORE), his beguiling if quirky plant lady, who has a green thumb for lyrics. Together, they go after songwriting success -- and discover that if you want to write the perfect love song, it helps to fall in love.

With Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore at the keyboard and Marc Lawrence (Two Weeks Notice) directing, Music and Lyrics is a witty, wacky romantic comedy that faces the music...and laughs!

Izilinganiso nezibuyekezo

413 izibuyekezo
ʍօɛsɦɛ ʝaռtʝɨɛs
Februwari 1, 2022
sօċċɛʀҡɦɮʊɢʄʄɢɖɢɢxʏɢɖsɢɦʊɢɖʄɦʊʋsʏɦɖxʊɢsɦɢsċʊɖʐsʀʊssɢɦs JJ ɢsɦɢxʝxʝaɨɖօsʝɖɨaʊaʊsɨʐɦsʊsɨaɨsʊsʏsʊaʝaʊsɦɖʊʐɦsʊaɢɖʏsʀ sʊʀʀօʊռɖɛɖ GH ʊɢɦ ʄʝxɦʝċɦɢɨʟɮɖɖʊҡɢsɦҡռċsʄҡʋʐʏɦɦxʏʝʐɢɦxʄʝxʝʐɦʄʊʝɢҡxʄʝʋɖʊċsʊʄʄɦҡҡʝօɢɖʊʟɦsʀɨօքօɢsʄʝօօɢɖʊʝɖʏɨʄsʋʟʐʐaʊɖaռռ ʐsҡ sʄʍ ɖʝɢ ʄɨɮċʀɨsɦɦʍɢsʍċɦռɖʊʍxɨʄʊʀɦʀօ
Ingabe uthole lokhu kungusizo?
Terry Reyes.
Februwari 24, 2016
Muy buena.
Abantu abangu-123 bathole lesi sibuyekezo siwusizo
Ingabe uthole lokhu kungusizo?
Melisa Agnes
Disemba 25, 2015
Touch my feeling <3
Abantu abangu-39 bathole lesi sibuyekezo siwusizo
Ingabe uthole lokhu kungusizo?

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