Richard Rapoport
- አግባብ ያልሆነውን ይጠቁሙ
- የግምገማ ታሪክን አሳይ
I would say that this film's excellence is that it really brings you into the IN VIVO experience of warfare. I particularly like the narration and the narrator does an excellent job, always enhancing rather than distracting from the visual. It neither glorifies war - the opposite as shown by the quotation by poet Wilfred Owen, at the beginning warning against encouraging children to believe in the glory of giving your life for your country; nor does it delve into politics, again, in the way that real military experience occurs - you wanna do your job; and you wanna save your ass and those of your comrades, and not always in that order. A true slice of life, a real "Reality Show" - real Realism - Bravo on such an achievement, from my point of view.