My Week With Marilyn

2011 • 98 minút
542 recenzií
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Tento film

In the summer of 1956, 23-year-old Colin Clark (Eddie Redmayne of THE OTHER BOLEYN GIRL) joined the set of THE PRINCE AND THE SHOWGIRL as an assistant determined to make his way up in the film business. His diary, released 40 years later, documented the tense interactions between Sir Lawrence Olivier (Kenneth Branagh of HAMLET, VALKYRIE) and the iconic Marilyn Monroe (Michelle Williams of BLUE VALENTINE, BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN). But a week was missing from that account, and this is the story of that week - an experience Clark will never forget. As he and Marilyn spend time together, she begins to shake off the insecurity that plagues her and exposes the many complex layers that have fascinated the world since her rise to fame.

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542 recenzií
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26. apríla 2014
Great storytelling for an alternative to a documentary. Not much for entertainment, more educational. Good movie to watch, but you kinda go into it knowing what's going on. Cute story. I recommend it, especially with the severe lack of good movies coming out lately.
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17. mája 2012
I really would like to thank Michelle for her incredible performance. She captured the raw emotion of Marilyn Monroe. The actor that play Colin was great too. But I'm disappointed with this flim. It wasnt long enough. It leaves u wanting more.
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24. marca 2012
Everyone made it out to be a great movie but really did not live up to the expectations. I love, Marilyn Monroe but they portrayed her in a bad self centered light. Not my favorite.
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