Mythica: A Quest for Heroes

2014 • 92 minute
129 resensies
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Stuck in a life of indentured servitude, Marek dreams of becoming a wizard. When she meets a beautiful priestess, Teela, in need of help, Marek escapes her master and puts together a team of adventurers - including Thane the Warrior and Dagen the Thief - and embarks on an epic quest to free Teela's sister from a vicious ogre. The trilogy starts now!

Graderings en resensies

129 resensies
Family Hinson
23 September 2017
I found this a couple of years ago when I was searching for something different to watch. I loved it from the start and when I found out that there were two more I had to watch them that day. I anxiously waited for number four then number five. I have watched all of them twice in two days time. I can't get enough of these movies and I am sad to see them go. But I loved the ending and happy to see everyone together in the end.
16 Junie 2018
I picked this up thinking it would be one of those cheap straight to DVD movies with low budget effects, terrible actors and plastic girls to make up for the low quality.... This turns out to be a gem. The soundtrack was beautiful, the acting was excellent. The camera shots were well done and the special effects were very very very well done. I can only hope the rest of the series is as good and as well done!
Aaron Russell
12 Mei 2018
I LOVE this movie. The soundtrack is beautiful, I love the acting and the special effects. I found this on Amazon Prime Video by lucky accident and watched it. I was immediately hooked. The story is wonderful, brilliant, compelling and dynamic; the character development as the series progresses is engaging. There is drama and humor, thoroughly entertaining. Overcoming adversity is a major plot point in the series to the extent that "limitations" can be overcome(i.e. they are only limitations if you don't work to overcome them). It's like a D&D adventure, but (and forgive the poor grammar, but it's the only way I can express it) more awesomer! :) To have discovered that this movie was funded by a Kickstarter, was amazing. Then, the fact that four more movies followed (to conclude the series) demonstrates that this movie has a fantastic plot. After binge-watching the entire series on Amazon, I knew I had to purchase them all. My only regret: the story is told and at an end after the fifth movie.