Naga the Eternal Yogi

2016 • 73 minút
6 recenzií
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Tento film

Naked, covered in ash, and quite literally standing for years on end. These are not your typical yoga enthusiasts. They are the holy gurus of India who contort themselves for years on end, dedicating their lives to extreme practices. It's all in the name of distancing themselves from the material world. They are a menagerie of the weird and the wonderful and travellers come from around the world to consult them. Set in present day India, this documentary is a research of the origins of yoga, and specifically an investigation of the monastic order of the Naga Baba, worshipers of Shiva and Dattatreya. It is a journey that accompanies a young ascetic from this most ancient monastic order of the sub-continent of India, to the most important holidays for Hindus: the Kumbh Mela.This event is the largest gathering of men on earth, both in size and attendance, and it is estimated that during this twenty day celebration that more than 100 million people gravitate to this place. it follows the protagonist, a young ascetic, leaving his temple and reaching the festival in three months, during which he meets friends, gurus, and devotees, giving the filmmakers the chance to interview, compose, and complete the puzzle of this research.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

6 recenzií
Joe Frank
18. decembra 2020
This movie is mostly a series of interviews of yogis. It's hit and miss in my opinion -- except for one called Tulsi Giri Ji, who claims to have lived in a forest meditating for 40 years. His speech was so great that I saw it a couple dozen times on netflix, then bought it on here when netflix took this movie off their roster.
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Filippo Gastaldi
15. júla 2016
Super excellent moovie.. rich in great photography , and dense of concepts... really appreciate it.. it goes fast even if iquite smooth on the run.. incredible exercise, autentic .. must see !
Bolo to užitočné?
9. augusta 2017
If your interested in this subject, it will be nice fire to bath in.
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