National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation

1989 โ€ข 97 minutes
82 reviews
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About this movie

Clark Griswold, the well-intentioned, walking disaster who has dragged his family through the horrors of traveling in two previous National Lampoon Vacation films, has decided to stay home for the holidays--and the neighborhood will never be the same.

Ratings and reviews

82 reviews
December 9, 2021
Easily one of the best Christmas movies of all time. It's not exactly family friendly but oh is it a good watch. Do yourself a favor and figure out a way to watch this right now.
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Arnold Ball
November 12, 2021
This is hands down one of my all times favorite Christmas movies. My entire family feels the same way. My only objection is to the use of some strong expletives, which I find totally inappropriate for my young grandchildren. if anyone knows where to purchase an edited version I would be so very grateful.
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William Reese
November 29, 2021
Not good at all for children forced by parents who think it is good movie.
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