National Lampoon's Vacation

1984 г. • 98 минути
3 рецензии
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Нема ниту аудио, ниту титлови на вашиот јазик. Титлови има на англиски, германски, италијански, норвешки, португалски (Португалија), фински, француски (Франција), шведски и шпански.

За филмов

The all-American Griswold family just wants to go on an all-American vacation. Everyone is packed. The route is planned ... And absolutely everything goes wrong as a simple trip quickly becomes a madcap cross-country odyssey and heroic quest in search of National Lampoon's Vacation. For the Clark W. Griswolds of Chicago, 50 weeks of work and routine will soon be rewarded with a fortnight of frenzied freedom. Mom and the kids would rather fly, but Dad (Chevy Chase) insists on driving west to Walley World. He's programmed everything on the family's PC--from tire wear to best routes, from choice sights to the finest AAA-recommended lodgings. With such planning everything should go right ... Wrong!!

Оцени и рецензии

3 рецензии
Paul Jackson
13 август 2021 г.
Hilarious, comedy classic
Sam Hoare
19 јуни 2022 г.
Absolute classic!
Warren Stu
23 јуни 2022 г.
Very funny old skool movie..