matthew kühl
- Gắn cờ nội dung không phù hợp
If this isn't the scariest movie i've ever seen, it's definitely at the top of that list. Really creepy. i prefer the old portrayal of zombies as relentless parasites rather than brutal carnivores
Turd Ferguson
- Gắn cờ nội dung không phù hợp
This is the movie Romero wanted. He said one of the biggest regrets was making Barbara a crying fragile girl that sits there waiting to die. The remake rectified that. She went from a fragile crying girl waiting to die into a badass survivor. The original is great but this one is better.
David Tester
- Gắn cờ nội dung không phù hợp
While I love the original 68 version, it's this version (1990 Tom Savini) remake that I truly love. I remember seeing this in theatres before the onslaught of Zombie culture we have now and I think this (and the original Dawn of the Dead) are the height of Zombie films.
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