Nine Lives

2016 • 86 minutes
928 avis
Accord parental recommandé
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À propos de ce film

When a work-obsessed real-estate mogul (Kevin Spacey) suffers a magical accident that leaves him trapped inside the body of his 11-year-old daughter's cat, he realizes he has to put family first if he ever hopes to regain his human form.
Accord parental recommandé

Notes et avis

928 avis
Anthony Souls
4 sánzá ya zómi na míbalé 2016
It wasn't bad. It would make a good background movie to watch while doing things or sleeping. Cliche at times, didn't make sense to certain extents, but liked the overall message and fun scenes. Take care, With Love Through God and Jesus and The Holy Ghost,
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El Chasqui
23 sánzá ya zómi na mɔ̌kɔ́ 2016
I haven't seen this movie but just seeing how low Kevin Spacey can go; from The Usual Suspects to cat movie. Same goes for Jennifer Garner. No more action movies means going straight for the touchy Feely religious movies...low blow
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bahrta sai
2 sánzá ya yambo 2017
The general rule of thumb with rotten tomatoes should be the the worse they rate it, the better it is. That's the case with this movie. Rotten tomatoes gave it an 11%.
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