No Escape

2015年 • 103 分钟
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When an American business man (Owen Wilson) and his family settle into their new home in Southeast Asia, they suddenly find themselves caught in the middle of a violent uprising that will push them to their limits to find a safe escape.


Just Visiting
A lot of dubious action and very little text (and poor at that). Despite its treatment of what is a real world problem, this film actually takes a break from reality, for even in this era of failed States, it is highly improbable that the entire government of a modern Asian country, its entire security apparatus and its entire army, would literally vanish in a matter of hours, leaving "Westerners" to fend for themselves against a populace suddenly turned into pure savages. As for the writing, consider this: While people were getting killed all around them, and after they themselves barely escaped death at least three times, the husband (Wilson) turned to his desperate wife and offered this pearl: "No one's going to die here today".
Amon Wolf
This movie was fantastic. Actually made me cry a couple of times when realizing how lucky I am to live in a safe country. You don't know what you have until it's taken from you completely. I wish more movies like this one would tackle the horrors of reality in the 3rd world. Some other reviews here said that this would be unrealistic, but they obviously think too highly of 3rd world government structures. We see them crumble daily and yet people call this movie unrealistic. Shame, really. I highly recommend
Maxime Auger
Un film plein de rebondissement et d'action qui va vous faire stressé et embarquer dans l'histoire de cette famille