
2014. • 137 perc
8,54 E vélemény
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Sem hangsáv, sem felirat nem áll rendelkezésre a nyelveden. A következő nyelveken áll rendelkezésre felirat: angol.

A filmről

Academy Award® Winner Russell Crowe stars as Noah in the film inspired by the timeless story of courage sacrifice and hope. Also starring Emma Watson and Academy Award® Winners Anthony Hopkins and Jennifer Connolly this visually stunning action-packed adventure from acclaimed director Darren Aronofsky (Black Swan) is hailed as "one of the most unforgettable Biblical epics ever put on film."* *Richard Roeper Chicago Sun-Times
Szülői felügyelet nélkül csak 13 év felettieknek

Értékelések és vélemények

8,54 E vélemény
Darth Brandybuck
2014. október 21.
This movie was a total wreck. It was hard to follow and a lot of things made no sense at all or were barely explained. The acting itself was okay, but the story was just terrible. If you want to watch this movie as a biblical adaptation, look away because this movie doesn't only shy away from the historical and biblical account, but it takes a nice big dump on it too. So much was wrong with this movie, and my respect for Russell Crowe has plummeted because he was a terrible representation of Noah. For one, Noah never received help from magical rock monsters. Also, the real Noah never had to guess or make meaning of what he thought God was trying to say, because God spoke directly to him. Noah also never had to fight people off and stop them from boarding the ark, because although he invited any and all to be rescued from the flood, everyone mocked him and dismissed him as a loon. There were also no stowaways on the ark, because the only humans on board were Noah and his wife, their three sons and their wives (two of those three wives were never seen in this movie btw). Noah was tasked by God to carry on the human race, not to murder his own grandchildren DO NOT WATCH THIS
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Egy Google-felhasználó
2017. február 13.
In the beginning of the time to meet up with the following sports they disobeying God and were told to the air for still helping Adam and Eve in the past and present it is the only way you could get the chance to rebuild the earth so they ask too be punishment of the day of the individual named too help deal with other sinner's now there. Back add it up don't use half your Bible study tonight and use all of your life time and Bible you hve five thousand and less too bless the Father's love to have is amazing and I am a little bit scared for the people whom dnt understand why you may be put into this different situations I'm very sorry about the timing belt of everlasting life God willing to give us changed life too have heaven too think he will put anything more than one person can bear drawing close er too him dnt add or take away BC he can add take on too us please reply too my Facebook page Tiffany Morris living human being to the next lifetime opportunity to be love him first then self conuntry husband wife. Children always be the best of luck with open arms andto get back what everlasting life and heaven God wants life not deaths of the individual or country for your time and consideration for yourself and your highest power. Thank you for your time. Tiffany Morris
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BJ TheNeophyte
2014. augusztus 1.
At first I was quite angry with this movie and thought of various, elaborate and equally absurd ways to completely botch other historical events such as: the american revolution, slavery, the holocaust, world war II so on and so forth. But I realized that has been done already: Abraham Lincoln: The Vampire Hunter. Sure enough, good Ol' Abe was running around with a magical axe taking care of business. The only parallel to this movie he was missing was a sidekick like a dragon or a wolverine. But, I wasn't the least bit offended by the account. It was completely entertaining. Of course, as a character twist, they didn't make Abe out to be a psychotic, baby killer, that determines the work of God through psychedelics enjoyed along side a cave dwelling grand pa pa with the ability to put people in deep sleep and mend wombs although struggles to find a single berry in a spontaneously sprouted forest that wreaks awfully of Hashirama's wood style jutsu. Although I understand this is all producers choice, however, next time just be more forth coming and name the movie Noah and the Golems: Manslayers.
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