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North By Northwest

1959 • 136 минути
109 рецензии
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За филмов

Selected as one of the top 50 American films of all time by the prestigious American Film Institute, and considered by many critics to be Hitchcock's greatest film, this fast-paced thriller stars Oscar-winner Cary Grant ("Notorious," "The Philadelphia Story") as a Madison Avenue advertising exec who is mistaken for someone else and kidnapped by a group of international spies, headed by James Mason ("A Star Is Born," "Lolita"). After a hair-raising escape, he is framed for a murder he didn't commit and goes on the run with the lovely Eva Marie Saint ("Superman Returns," "On the Waterfront"). Famous for a wild plane attack and a harrowing chase across the faces of Mount Rushmore, this is quintessential Hitchcock ("Psycho," "The Birds"). With Academy Award-winner Martin Landau ("Ed Wood," "The Majestic") as Mason's evil henchman, this film is the rare combination of action, suspense and humor. MPAA Rating: NOTRATED Copyright (c) 1959 Turner Entertainment Co.

Оцени и рецензии

109 рецензии
Hannu Kakkonen
25 ноември 2020
Tämä on suomeksi vaarallinen romanssi erinomainen elokuva olen nähnyt sen monta kertaa en katsoisi enää mutta silti hyvä.
5 лицa сметаат дека рецензијава е корисна
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emil engen
25 октомври 2020
Alfred hitchcock takes suspense and comedy to highest level with this film. It's extremely entertaining from beginning to end.
2 лицa сметаат дека рецензијава е корисна
Дали сметате дека ова е корисно?
noomotaku [nononon]
2 октомври 2021
สนุก ลุ้น ระทึก ต้นแบบหนัง action ของโลกใบนี้เลยครับ เด็กฟิล์มต้องดูเพื่อศึกษาจริงๆ
Дали сметате дека ова е корисно?

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