
2013 • 95 минут
131 пікір
Браузерден немесе қолдайтын құрылғылардан көріңіз Толығырақ
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Осы фильм туралы ақпарат

A cornerstone of the horror film, F. W. Murnau’s NOSFERATU: A SYMPHONY OF HORROR is resurrected in an HD edition mastered from the acclaimed 35mm restoration by the Friedrich-Wilhelm-Murnau-Stiftung. Backed by an orchestral performance of Hans Erdmann’s 1922 score, this edition offers unprecedented visual clarity and historical faithfulness to the original release version. An unauthorized adaptation of Bram Stoker’s Dracula, NOSFERATU remains to many viewers the most unsettling vampire film ever made, and its bald, spidery vampire, personified by the diabolical Max Schreck, continues to spawn imitations in the realm of contemporary cinema.

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131 пікір
Chelly M
2018 ж. 23 сәуір
Lame! the story line made no sense why did Mosferatu not kill Hutter, then they don't say why his wife is the chosen one. And why he died by drinking her blood.... because she was an innocent maiden? What?¿?🤔😕😤I guess 😒😧
Бұл пікір 6 адамға пайдалы болды.
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2014 ж. 2 қараша
You must see this! This original german version portrays Dracula in its original grotesque form, the way it was intended. The special effects and moulage are actually very well done given that this is a silent film. Max schreck in his make up and in full character communicates an eery creepy strangeness through his eyes and mannerisms.
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2014 ж. 2 қараша
The remake in the 70's is good but the remakes of the original silent film that are out are awful. This is the version to get though. It has the original colored scenes and the amazing soundtrack that makes this film so good.
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