Bobby Sandsbee
The movie is one bad magic trick. Your eyes tell you that the cast cannot make a bad movie, but they do. Pretty much two hours of them throwing a card back and forth to each other, and then a twist that you see coming, and by the time it happens, you don't really care. You're just waiting for it to be over, and then "poof" your money is gone.
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En av Googles användare
Yes,written like an intellectual and busy crime writer of prey novels,all over the place is one way of saying it and but for me and orther fellow ADHD'RS and all it entails "not a study drug,serious disorder "Anyway,kept my mind going.I was sad when it ended.I had to rejoin the normal people who misunderstand me.I rented then bought the actual double DVD.
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ben Kervick
Now you see me 2 is good movie and more of twist in the film why because Merritt His brother Chase were have a manger Called Walter case's former business partner who faked his death after case stole Walter's Company. Mabry conscripits the Horsemen into stealing the data -mining device developed by case from a secret facility underneath a local casino, to prevent Case from using it. Atlas agrees to the plan despite the others. 100/100
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