Paws of Fury: The Legend of Hank

2022 • 97 minutu
17 iritzi
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Film honi buruz

A hard-on-his-luck hound Hank (Michael Cera) finds himself in a town full of cats who need a hero to defend them from a ruthless villain's (Ricky Gervais) evil plot to wipe their village off the map. With help from a reluctant teacher (Samuel L. Jackson) to train him, our underdog must assume the role of town samurai and team up with the villagers to save the day. The only problem… cats hate dogs!

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17 iritzi
Isabelle Karankay
2022(e)ko uztailaren 23(a)
It's was a nice family film. Watched it with my 8 year old son and 1 year old daughter which both enjoyed and kept attention the whole duration of film. If your a fan of the kung Fu panda movies, then you'll enjoy this too! Simple storyline of how anyone can train and become better with opportunity and willpower.
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Chistian Cisneros
2023(e)ko urtarrilaren 12(a)
The movie was pretty enjoyable. I really love the animation of the characters, the animation of the whole movie, it is a movie the whole family can enjoy together. My 2 favorite characters have to be Hank and Jimbo. Michael Cera and Samuel L. Jackson did a very good job playing my characters. I strongly recommend this movie to everyone.
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Robert Curry
2022(e)ko uztailaren 25(a)
Was almost a complete copy of Blazing Saddles. Plot same even some scenes.. a kid version..never thought there could be such a thing but yet now there is
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