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Ocean's 8

2018. • 110 minuta
1,63 hilj. recenzije
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Звук и титлови на вашем језику нису доступни. Титлови су доступни на следећим језицима: бугарски, грчки, дански, енглески, естонски, исландски, италијански, кантонски, кинески (поједностављено кинеско писмо), кинески (традиционално кинеско писмо), летонски, литвански, мађарски, немачки, норвешки, португалски, пољски, руски, словеначки, тајски, турски, фински, француски, француски (Канада), хебрејски, холандски, хрватски, чешки, шведски и шпански.

O ovom filmu

Five years, eight months, 12 days...and counting. That’s how long Debbie Ocean (Sandra Bullock) has been devising the biggest heist of her life. She knows what it’s going to take—a team of the best in their field, starting with her partner-in-crime Lou Miller (Cate Blanchett). Together, they recruit a crew of specialists: jeweler Amita (Mindy Kaling); street con Constance (Awkwafina); expert fence Tammy (Sarah Paulson); hacker Nine Ball (Rihanna); and fashion designer Rose (Helena Bonham Carter). The target is a cool $150 million dollars in diamonds—diamonds that will be around the neck of world-famous actress Daphne Kluger (Anne Hathaway), who will be centerstage at the event of the year, the Met Gala. The plan is rock solid, but everything will need to be flawless if the team is going to get in and get away with the ice. All in plain sight.

Ocene i recenzije

1,63 hilj. recenzije
6. april 2021.
After i finished watching this I wanted to watch it again straight afterwards this movie is so exiting it gets your adrenaline going. My new favorite film. I have no idea what a some people mean saying it "forgettable" or "plain" I mean even if you have seen something similar before that doesn't make the film less amazing ☆
42 osobe smatraju da je ova recenzija korisna
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1. jun 2019.
The acting is the only excellent aspect of the movie. Unfortunately it doesn't stop the the movie from being average, bland and forgettable. We've all seen this story many times.
179 osoba smatra da je ova recenzija korisna
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Fayzali Azimov
18. novembar 2020.
Очень классный фильм. Обожаю смотреть когда женщины что-то затевают и всем рулят. И актрисы просто супер-дивы.
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