Ocean's Twelve

2004年 • 125 分钟
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The rules: Don't hurt anybody. Don't steal from anyone who doesn't deserve it. And play the game like you've got nothing to lose. Are you in or out? George Clooney, Matt Damon, Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts and Don Cheadle return as the coolest gang of hustlers ever. This time their targets are Paris, Rome and Amsterdam, and Danny's ex-wife, Tess(Roberts), joins the team, adding one to make it Ocean's Twelve.


John Williams
Amazing sequel to say the least with a great soundtrack. Folks that complain about the plot being a mess obviously have a short attention span and simply cannot keep up. 😴 The entire situation is cooked up by the Night Fox (Toulour) for nothing more than his amusement and to prove a mute point of who is the better thief due to a comment by an American business man to his mentor (LeMarc) regarding the Bellagio heist. Love the entire trilogy and really wish a fourth would have been produced.
Amanda Dunn
This has got to be the worst sequel that I have EVER seen in any movie. This is an example as to why sequels rarely work! The movie was just a big mess. There seemed to be several plots going on simultaneously. It didn't stay focused on one plot at a time which, made it seem as though the director had ADD! The dialogue was horrible. Also, it seemed at one point the screenwriter just gave up on making a focused plot that made sense. This was worst than Tower Heist which, also suffered from the same problems.
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Its got a lot of fun scenes in it, but the plot is a confusing mess. This movie is kinda condescending. I feel dumb for not knowing what was going on but even after figuring it out and rewatching, they don't convey it really well.
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