Odd Thomas

2014 • 96 minutu
684 iritzi
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Small-town fry cook Odd Thomas (Anton Yelchin) is an ordinary guy with a paranormal secret: he sees dead people, everywhere.

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684 iritzi
Josh Hillis
2014(e)ko azaroaren 22(a)
This was a really fun supernatural suspense thriller with great performances by Anton Yelchin and William Defoe. While we all expect William Dafoe to be awesome, I wouldn't have thought Anton Yelchin could carry an entire movie this well. Sure, he was great in Alpha Dog and Star Trek, but here he really stands out with Odd's weird combination of quirkiness and courage. I think this could have elevated his career a lot if it had come out in theaters (as was originally intended) but a quick google search and it like some sort of distribution/contract dispute essentially killed the movie. I get how some people thought Anton and Amber Timlin's character's relationship was insipidly sweet, but I'm a corny romantic and I kinda dug it. It wouldn't win any awards, but it keeps you on the edge of your seat. You care about the characters as Odd tries to piece together the town's impending doom that only he can see the clues to. A lot of it is predictable, but there are a few good curve balls also. If you liked Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV show, not that ultra-cheesy movie) you'll probably dig the kind of action/suspense/comedy/drama going on here.
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Jonah Wilson
2018(e)ko urriaren 11(a)
despite the book being far too terrifying for me to read, I absolutely adore this film!! it's full of scary creatures, a disturbing serial killer cult, and LOADS of dark humor and wit. it's funny, pretty creepy and gross, and it has a heartbreaking ending that left me in tears. if you like horror, then definitely watch this movie! now, it's not particularly scary, per se, but it's still pretty creepy, strange and gross at tines. Anton Yelchin (rest in peace) is wonderful is the strange Odd Thomas and William Defoe is showstopping as Chief Wyatt Porter
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F Ulysses Rios
2016(e)ko irailaren 15(a)
I loved this movie. When i first watched the movie on netflix i was not expecting a good movie. I initially just put the movie on for kicks and i had nothing els to do. I know that many people gave this movie bad reviews but keep in mind that the characters grow on you. I seriously wanted to cry at the end of the movie when i found out what really happened to stormy. You should at least give this movie a shot. I know that this movie lost money in the box office so there are no plans to continue the series..
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