Omen IV: The Awakening

2007 • 97 minút
8 recenzií
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Tento film

The antichrist is back, this time in the form of a little girl.  Faye Grant stars as the wife of an up-and-coming congressman who grows more and more suspicious about the less-than-angelic nature of their newly adopted daughter. The priest who baptized her mysteriously dies, the psychic fair she attends burns in a fiery holocaust and her nanny "accidentally" falls from a second story window. Soon, Delia's mother begins to questions the "coincidence" of these catastrophes. Her thoughts can't help but turn toward the biblical prophesy of Armageddon... the final confrontation between the forces of good and evil, beginning with the birth of Satan in human form.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

8 recenzií
bb ii
8. septembra 2021
Me gusta mucho no entiendo porque odian la película talvez porque el que compone la música ya no es Jerry Goldsmith oh no fue dirigida por el creador de las primeras tres películas creo, pero fuera de eso me gusta mucho me gustaría que hagan la quinta película
Kim Higgs
10. októbra 2015
A big let down to the first 3 omen films. Will they film the omen v. I hope they do.
Paddy Smith
22. februára 2016
It's a great film I friggin love all of them