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Once Upon A Time In The West

1969. • 166 минута
295 рецензија
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О овом филму

Now, for the first time, Sergio Leone's original uncut version of this monumental epic can be seen. The picture itself is as big as its Monument Valley locations, as grand as its fine, distinguished cast, as tough and bawdy as every kid imagines the Old West. Henry Fonda plays the blackest character of his long career, and he's utterly convincing as Frank, the ruthless murderous psychopath who suffers no conscience pangs after annihilating an entire family. Jason Robards is the half-breed falsely accused of the terrible slaughter. Charles Bronson plays The Man, who remembers how his brother was savagely tortured. Brilliantly directed by Sergio Leone, this glorious picture re-established the Western'' significance to cinema art."

Оцене и рецензије

295 рецензија
Rex Freeman
2. септембар 2017.
It's BIG! It's GREAT! Leone, Cardinale, Fonda, Morricone all at the top of their game. Gorgeous restoration, impactful stereo sound. Loved the story and I'm not really a fan of westerns. No subtitles. Fair price.
Да ли вам је ово било корисно?
Kaveesha Karunaratne
11. децембар 2016.
A lot of unwanted idle scenes in this movie makes it boring.the editor didnt do his job right.for most of the screen time nothing happens.
55 особа сматра да је ова рецензија корисна
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Hannu Kakkonen
21. фебруар 2020.
Hirveesti en pitänyt huuliharppukostajasta vähän petyin elokuvaan kun katsoin sen ensinmäisen kerran hyvin väkivaltainen ja raaka se on kuten yleensä italowesternit ovat olen nyt nähnyt sen monta kertaa että kohtalainen pätkä vaan liian yli pitkä.
29 особа сматра да је ова рецензија корисна
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