Only God Forgives

2013. • 89 perc
52 vélemény
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Sem hangsáv, sem felirat nem áll rendelkezésre a nyelveden. A következő nyelveken áll rendelkezésre hangsáv: angol.

A filmről

Julian, a drug-smuggler thriving in Bangkok's criminal underworld, sees his life get even more complicated when his mother compels him to find and kill whoever is responsible for his brother's recent death. 2013 Space Rocket Nation, Gaumont & Wild Bunch

Értékelések és vélemények

52 vélemény
Jason Nieuwoudt
2013. december 10.
Nothing at all like Drive with no "Real Heroes" anywhere in sight. Stylish? Yes. Empty and void? Oh yes! Gosling's character is as dead and lifeless as his little dialogue. This is nowhere near the same league as the previous collaborative effort by Refn and Gosling.
Matthew Scheer
2013. december 15.
A pleasure to watch, brilliant soundtrack, intense violence and menacing gore. The non verbal communication is amazing. I'm glad not all movies have audible subtitles.
harry dobson
2015. december 1.
Seriously i read some of the comments and it looked pretty okay, its absolutley terrible... trust me!