Pacific Rim (2013)

2013年 • 131分
1.66万 件のレビュー
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When legions of monstrous creatures, known as Kaiju, started rising from the sea, a war began that would take millions of lives and consume humanity's resources for years on end. To combat the giant Kaiju, a special type of weapon was devised: massive robots, called Jaegers, which are controlled simultaneously by two pilots whose minds are locked in a neural bridge. But even the Jaegers are proving nearly defenseless in the face of the relentless Kaiju. On the verge of defeat, the forces defending mankind have no choice but to turn to two unlikely heroes—a washed up former pilot (Charlie Hunnam) and an untested trainee (Rinko Kikuchi)—who are teamed to drive a legendary but seemingly obsolete Jaeger from the past. Together, they stand as mankind's last hope against the mounting apocalypse.


1.66万 件のレビュー
Victor Nguyen
This movie is the most liked by MeMate Gifts' personalized gift product sales team. There is no A-listed cast, but with high entertainment elements and grandeur in terms of sound and image, Pacific Rim may be the most satisfying blockbuster from the beginning of summer to now. For those who are passionate about robots, action-fantasy movies, Pacific Rim will certainly be a movie that is still "happy" to watch many times. Director Guillermo del Toro also gave fans of the Hellboy series as well as those who waited until the last minute after the credits a special gift of the movie that opens the story for the second part.
Michael Patrick
I started watching this film with high expectations , they very quickly disappeared. Every character is a bad cliché from 80s B grade action movies especially the Russian crew just think Rocky 2 and you know all you need to know about them . The story is predictable tripe that never leaves you guessing in fact you can tell exactly what is going to happen ages before it does. Finishing this film was a real chore and one I never want to repeat.
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Johan Malmsten
Kind of overrated in my eyes. I should love it. Giant Mechs, Kaiju, insane fights. Silly moments with contrast of scale... Everything at first glance seem tailored for my taste. But it just doesn't cluck for me. It just feels unnecessarily slow in the action and the tech feels forced and the characters aren't even 2D they are only a sentence of characterisation. But I am in the minority about this, I know.
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