Paper Towns

2015 • 109 minút
1,85 tis. recenzií
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Tento film

When the eccentric girl next door runs away just before graduation, her lovesick neighbor sets out to find her. Toward that end, he tries to learn as much about her as possible, but in reality he learns a great deal more about himself than the mercurial object of his unrequited affection.

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1,85 tis. recenzií
Av Av
3. januára 2017
Every time I watch John Green's movie it always upset me. I know you cannot put all the words and scenes in the movie by the book but still please let the Looking for Alaska a virgin book. It's too good to be true, same way to The Abundance of Katherine's. I bet famous artist isn't helping :(
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24. marca 2019
güey ser así para que te mate o son pasmado que son unos paramanos más loco que no da miedo en esta historia de miedo miedo tengo que decir así así así Cállate vos porque yo soy aquí el que te va a mandar y no me digas nada que es este mensaje va hacer nada y estoy aplastadas y como esta cosa mi amigo el que siempre le gusta nada y y es aburrida aburrida m*****
Shahroz Tariq Tablet
21. novembra 2016
It's a nice movie...But The Writer and the Director should know that.If the movie sucks from the Start it should have the Good's not like this movie did not had a good start..But if the ending is not good ..then the whole movie sucks..and I really don't like the Idea of not staying the boy with Her.or For Her to go back with him.It's just seems empty without that.otherwise this Movie Deserves 5 stars.
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