
2019年 • 131 分钟
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Ki-taek's family of four is close, but fully unemployed, with a bleak future ahead of them. The son Ki-woo is recommended by his friend, a student at a prestigious university, for a well-paid tutoring job, spawning hopes of a regular income. Carrying the expectations of all his family, Ki-woo heads to the Park family home for an interview. Arriving at the house of Mr. Park, the owner of a global IT firm, Ki-woo meets Yeon-kyo, the beautiful young lady of the house. But following this first meeting between the two families, an unstoppable string of mishaps lies in wait.


This film is good for cultured intellectuals who like movies with a deeper meaning, with themes that question society and discuss class discrimination, it targets more on the viewers' morals and not the cinematic experience. However, it may be difficult to understand themes and plot as this more of a "show not tell" film. Recommended for those who prefer films about morals rather than a strong plot.
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Absolute masterpiece. The acting is subtle and the actors embody their characters. Parasite also has a deep meaning and explores the wealth gap in society without forcing it on the audience in unnaturally. There has never been a twist done as well as the one in Parasite (no spoilers), and it is best to go in to the movie without any prior knowledge about it. It is an experience, and Bong Joon Ho masterfully brings the audience along for the ride. Wonderfully paced, skilfully written, and incorporating a bit of each movie genre, Parasite is not a movie to miss.
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Xianju Liu
The gap between the poor and the rich is destroying peace our society, it is tragic and unfortunately it will exist forever in our society.