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Pearl Harbor

2001 • 183 daqiqa
1,56 ming ta sharh
Reytinglar va sharhlar tasdiqlanmagan  Batafsil
Tilingiz uchun audio va taglavha yo‘q. Taglavhalar mazkur tillar uchun bor: indonez, inglizcha, ispancha (Lotin Amerikasi), tay, xitoy (anʼanaviy) va xitoy (soddalashgan).

Bu film haqida

History comes alive in the unforgettable epic picture PEARL HARBOR, the spectacular blockbuster brought to the screen by Jerry Bruckheimer and Michael Bay. Astounding visual and audio effects put you at the center of the event that changed the world -- that early Sunday morning in paradise when warplanes screamed across the peaceful skies of Pearl Harbor and jolted America into World War II. This real-life tale of catastrophic defeat, heroic victory, and personal courage focuses on the war's devastating impact on two daring young pilots, Ben Affleck and Josh Hartnett, and a beautiful, dedicated nurse, Kate Beckinsale. PEARL HARBOR is extraordinary moviemaking -- a breathtaking reenactment of the "date which will live in infamy" and a heartfelt tribute to the men and women who lived it.
Yoshga oid cheklov

Reytinglar va sharhlar

1,56 ming ta sharh
Marisol Gaspar Osorio
24-aprel, 2020
De todas las películas que he visto es la mejor se trata de la segunda Gerra , dos amigos casi hermanos soldados que por una con fusión dan por muerto a uno de los amigos y el otro se enamora sin querer de la novia del que dan por muerto ,al final apareses y se crea una pelea.... supreeee buena véase la recomenda 😊
79 kishi bu sharhni foydali deb topgan
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8-avgust, 2017
Amo esta película, los actores son muy guapos. Tiene un buen drama, lo que NO me pareció bien fue que Danny muriera, me dejo deprimida por días. Pero entiendo, que esto era lo que le daría un buen final a esta película.
60 kishi bu sharhni foydali deb topgan
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Strawberryanna nct
25-may, 2016
I really love this movie , such a great and amazing movie of all time. The story of the movie was really great , I love the cast Ben Affleck , Josh Hartnett & Kate Beckinsale. In the movie I love Danny Walker (Josh Hartnett) he's so handsome I like him from the very start of this movie. Keep it up pearl harbor. 😂😂
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