
undefined • 90 minutes
594 avis
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À propos de ce film

Here's a family of three - Balu, his mother, and grandmother. They survive on his grandfather's pension of rupees eight hundred a month. Once Balu starts going to school, the expenses increase and unfortunately, the grandmother falls ill. Find out how this family struggles to survive against all odds.

Notes et avis

594 avis
Amit Joshi
24 sánzá ya nsambo 2021
Story is excellent as most of the Marathi Films are content based. Performances are good, specially Sonali Kulkarni done brilliant job. Cinematography of the film is brilliant. I feel we should Support regional films. A good watch. 🌟🌟🌟🌟 4 star.
238 personnes ont trouvé cet avis utile
Un utilisateur de Google
22 sánzá ya mítáno 2022
WwelwweledesW Mm my .adi .s
vinayak joshi
10 sánzá ya nsambo 2021
Movie is really worth watching As storyline depicted the real concern in rural areas among family.
1.057 personnes ont trouvé cet avis utile