Perfect Creature

2006 • 84 minút
12 recenzií
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Tento film

Perfect Creature imagines a world where vampires and humans peacefully co-exist. The result of a genetic mutation initiated by an ancient virus, the vampires are known as The Brothers. Superior in mind and body to their human counterparts, they are the custodians of genetic science and protect humanity from disease. In return for a dedication to preserving human life, The Brothers ask humanity to share one thing: their blood. With old prejudices, fed by the superstitions of the mythical vampire, this delicate balance looks to be destroyed when an influenza pandemic strikes humanity and one rogue vampire begins to prey on human flesh. The church sends out Silus (Dougray Scott, Mission: Impossible II) to catch the renegade vampire, Edgar (Leo Gregory, Stoned). Silus joins forces with a human police captain (Saffron Burrows, Troy), and discovers the dark objectives behind Edgar’s vicious attacks.

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12 recenzií