Perils of the Sentimental Swordsman

1982年 • 87分
6 件のレビュー


Chu Liuxiang, the charming, capable, and sentimental, swordsman is back in action for this extremely well-named third installment of the hit box-office series -- which won majestic star Ti Lung a whole new legion of fans. The titanic team of director Chu Yuan and novelist Ku Lung wisely chose to give their hero a whole new, non-stop, cliffhanger-fraught adventure featuring a mystery swordsman, a sensual swordswoman, an imperial assassin, a Ghost Mansion, the Bat Island, a booby-trapped tunnel, double crosses, and secret missions. No fewer than three martial arts choreographers are on hand to guide the amazing mayhem, featuring such favorites as award-winning kung-fu actor Ku Feng and Shaw’s first international star, Lo Lieh.


6 件のレビュー
This is a very convoluted story. Well, Chu (Ti Lung) is an high official in the Ming court with extreme martial arts - swordplay skills and he needs to uncover a plot that gets him tangled in a world of mess. I don't want to give up the story but this story is all over the place and you'll need to pay close attention to the details. Don't get me wrong, the fight scene, as I assume Tang Chia (Opium and the Kung Fu Master, Kung Fu Instructor, & To Kill a Mastermind) was the choreographer, were superb. But to me, the balance was enough for more than 2-stars.

