Pitch Perfect 2

2015 • 114 daqiqa
19 ta sharh
PG-13 (13 yoshgacha, faqat kattalar bilan)
Veb brauzer yoki mos qurilmada tomosha qiling Batafsil
Tilingiz uchun audio va taglavha yo‘q. Taglavhalar mazkur tillar uchun bor: dan, fincha, fransuzcha, inglizcha, ispancha, ispancha (Lotin Amerikasi), italyan, nemischa, niderland, norveg, polyakcha, portugalcha (Braziliya), slovencha, tay, turk, venger, xitoy (anʼanaviy) va yapon.

Bu film haqida

Beca (Anna Kendrick), Fat Amy (Rebel Wilson) and the Barden Bellas are back to pitch slap the world! After a scandal threatens to derail their last year at Barden, the three-time defending champs worry that they've lost their harmony for good. With one chance left at redeeming their legacy, they must face off against the toughest competition on the planet: German supergroup Das Sound Machine and fight for their right to win at the World Championships of A Cappella. It will take the power of sisterhood to find their voice and see what it takes to be the world's top pitches!
Yoshga oid cheklov
PG-13 (13 yoshgacha, faqat kattalar bilan)

Reytinglar va sharhlar

19 ta sharh
Seth P
21-mart, 2021
Totally forgot this movie had a sequel.
5 kishi bu sharhni foydali deb topgan
Buni foydasi tegdimi?
Kate Davis
26-yanvar, 2024
so good, got me out of my seat twerking to the music !!!
Buni foydasi tegdimi?
22-mart, 2021
Pitch perfect 2 movie
Buni foydasi tegdimi?

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