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Pitch Perfect 2

2015 • 114 минут
5,42 мың пікір
Рейтингілер мен пікірлер тексерілмеген. Толығырақ
Сіздің тіліңізде аудио да, субтитр де қолжетімді емес. Субтитрі бар тілдер: болгар тілі, дат тілі, испан тілі (Латын Америкасы), кантон тілі, нидерланд тілі, норвег тілі, поляк тілі, португал тілі, словен тілі, түрік тілі, фин тілі, чех тілі, швед тілі, қытай тілі (дәстүрлі жазу).

Осы фильм туралы ақпарат

Beca (Anna Kendrick), Fat Amy (Rebel Wilson) and the Barden Bellas are back to pitch slap the world! After a scandal threatens to derail their last year at Barden, the three-time defending champs worry that they've lost their harmony for good. With one chance left at redeeming their legacy, they must face off against the toughest competition on the planet: German supergroup Das Sound Machine and fight for their right to win at the World Championships of A Cappella. It will take the power of sisterhood to find their voice and see what it takes to be the world's top pitches! (Original Title - Pitch Perfect 2) - 2014 Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved.

Бағалар мен пікірлер

5,42 мың пікір
sausthab bir singh Tuladhar
2015 ж. 31 тамыз
The film is good but go he CD shop and buy the film for 20ruppes. I am nepalese do not know how much does it costs at other countries.
Бұл пікір 184 адамға пайдалы болды.
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amethyst granger
2017 ж. 12 мамыр
Nice.... I Just wanna say 'Beca' is Anna Kendrick and 'Chloe' is Brittany Snow I love them they are Very Awesome and 'Emily' is great and beautiful.. When she sing the Flashlight...☺☺😉
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2021 ж. 13 қыркүйек
I just love the Accapella singing group Especially when they perform 😘🥰😍🤩 l like FAT AMY like she is do funny, I loved that part when he was going back to his boyfriend BUCCA that partbwas so amazing l wish I could watch it many times 🖤🖤🖤🖤💯💖🔥
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