Pizza My Heart

२००९ • ८५ मिनेट
५ समीक्षाहरू
यो भिडियो वेब ब्राउजर वा यो एप चल्ने डिभाइसहरूमा हेर्नुहोस् थप जान्नुहोस्
तपाईंको भाषामा न त अडियो न उप-शीर्षकहरू उपलब्ध छन्‌। अङ्ग्रेजी मा अडियो उपलब्ध छ।

यस चलचित्रका बारेमा

This charming TV movie is a modern day Romeo and Juliet tale set among rivaling pizza parlors in Verona, New Jersey. Because of a family feud dating back to the old country, the PRESTOLANIS and the MONTEBELLOS have taken their fight over who truly has the best pizza to extremes. Divided by a brick wall and the feud that made neighbors into enemies and soulmates into strangers, the situation is about to come to a head when JOE PRESTOLANI and GINA MONTEBELLO meet and begin a secret romance. - 2005 Disney

मूल्याङ्कन र समीक्षाहरू

५ समीक्षाहरू
Ana Aguilar
२०२२ मे ३१
Es de las más bonitas que m He visto en mi vida