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Poltergeist III

1988 • 97 mínútur
56 umsagnir
Einkunnir og umsagnir eru ekki staðfestar  Nánar
Ekki er hægt að velja hljóð eða skjátexta á þínu tungumáli. Hægt er að velja skjátexta á tungumálinu enska, franska, portúgalska (Brasilía), spænska, spænska (Rómanska Ameríka), ítalska og þýska.

Um þessa kvikmynd

In spite of constant harassment and threats from beings from "the other side." Carole Anne Freeling (Heather O'Rourke) is older now, self-possessed and enormously bright. She has been sent to live in a Chicago high-rise with her Uncle Bruce (Tom Skerritt) and his new wife, Pat (Nancy Allen). And Carol Anne still sees things... in mirrors, in reflective surfaces, and she just doesn't want to discuss them. But who do you suppose has followed her to the Windy City? Reverend Kane and his evil flock want to abduct Carol Anne so she can lead them to "the other side.”

Einkunnir og umsagnir

56 umsagnir
tyron Levi Forto wong.
25. júlí 2022
I'll give this movie a 100/100
Var þetta gagnlegt?
30. október 2017
Me dio miedo
4 aðilum fannst þessi umsögn gagnleg
Var þetta gagnlegt?
vladi 1
5. febrúar 2018
mi peor película
5 aðilum fannst þessi umsögn gagnleg
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