Population 436

2006 • 92 de minute
34 de recenzii
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Despre acest film

Assigned to assess population in a remote mountain community, US census taker Steve becomes trapped in a prison-like town that doesn't allow it's population to drop below or exceed exactly 436 citizens. After fending off a lobotomy and pretending to go along with the program, Steve eventually escapes taking a little girl with him, but will they make it across the county line in time? © 2006 Destination Films Distribution Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Evaluări și recenzii

34 de recenzii
Mark CSA
11 ianuarie 2015
Keeps you watching to see what's next'
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Dana Melby-Maddox
27 mai 2015
I liked it. Kept me entertained. Has a uniqueness to the storyline, which I enjoyed. 4 stars....worth the watch.
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Linda Cutter
30 ianuarie 2017
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