Power Rangers Dino Super Charge: Vol 1

2017 • 117 minút
44 recenzií
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Tento film

The Power Rangers continue their search for the Energems after Sledge’s defeat, but soon learn that his most dangerous prisoner, the evil Heckyl, survived! In light of this new threat, Kendall creates a powerful new Dino Charger that unlocks the Red Ranger’s T-Rex Super Charge mode! It will take every Zord, Megazord, and Dino Charger in the Power Rangers’ arsenal to finally unite all ten Energems and save the universe!

Hodnotenia a recenzie

44 recenzií
Nicholas Leonard
15. septembra 2021
Power rangers bino fury
Michael Lippincott
19. júna 2021
29. januára 2017
👍 good for kids
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