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1987 • 106 minutos
2430 recensións
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Non hai audio nin subtítulos dispoñibles no teu idioma. Os subtítulos están dispoñibles en alemán, checo, chinés (Hong Kong), chinés (tradicional), croata, dinamarqués, esloveno, estoniano, finés, francés, grego, hebreo, húngaro, inglés, islandés, italiano, letón, lituano, neerlandés (Países Baixos), noruegués, polaco, romanés, ruso, sueco e turco.

Acerca desta película

Major Dutch Schaefer (Arnold Schwarzenegger) is the leader of a military rescue unit looking for allies captured by guerrillas in the Latin American jungle. At first it seems like any other mission: Schaefer and his team of seasoned combat veterans spot a guerilla camp, destroy it, and find the men they were sent to rescue executed. But when Schaefer attempts to lead his unit out, with a captured guerrilla in tow, something horrifying and inexplicable begins to happen: One by one the men are killed by a mysterious adversary - a Predator from another world.

Valoracións e recensións

2430 recensións
4 de outubro de 2015
Predator can well be considered a classic, with solid casting, flowing action, big explosions and even a couple a of witty chuckles thrown in. It showcases Schwarzenegger at his best, McTiernan at his best, Silvestri at his best, Winston at... Ah well, you get the idea. =) Though this one begins much like plenty other action movies of the time, the horror twist induced by the titular Predator is what has made this movie memorable and lasting, and in turn this movie and the first sequel (Predator 2) have made the Predator an iconic movie alien even though the further sequels haven't lived up to par... Well, Predators is worth watching, even if it borrows maybe a bit too much from this one. ^^ Still, if/when you get disappointed by the sequels, you can always rewatch the one that started it all! =D
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Aubrey Bovu
4 de maio de 2021
My favorite movie of all time... Listen.. The director was pure genius.... Everything about this movie is perfect.. The storyline plus you won't even rush to see the predator. This movie is my number movie of all time no arguments there... Lmao John did a great job I watch it like I never did... ALL PREDATOR MOVIES CAN'T TOUCH THIS ONE
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Ryu Ronquillo
9 de agosto de 2021
DD: not sure how long it has been since the last time i saw this film. i sure did not expect i will find it enjoyable now. there were cheesy parts, it's the late 80's, so you know. but again, i enjoyed it and found it to be really entertaining.
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