
2010 г. • 106 минути
1,78 хил. отзива
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За езика ви няма нито аудио, нито субтитри. Субтитри са налични на английски (Съединени щати), арабски, виетнамски, гръцки, естонски, италиански, латвийски, литовски, полски, румънски, руски, сръбски, турски, унгарски, хърватски и чешки.

Всичко за този филм

Robert Rodriguez presents a bold new chapter in the Predator universe. The film stars Oscar®-winner Adrien Brody (The Pianist) as Royce, a mercenary who reluctantly leads a group of elite warriors who come to realize they've been brought together on an alien planet... as prey. With the exception of a disgraced physician, they are all cold-blooded killers - mercenaries, Yakuza, convicts, death squad members - human "predators" that are now being systemically hunted and eliminated by a new breed of alien Predators.

Оценки и отзиви

1,78 хил. отзива
2 октомври 2015 г.
Watched it again, and was glad to notice it wasn't as derivative as I remembered! Still, though a solid action flick, there's more than one scene which feels all too familiar from the first Predator movie... Robert Rodriguez claims they took all the good from the first movie and left all the bad from the sequel (which I think is vastly underrated as a movie) and AvPs (both of which are rather forgettable, even if Requiem is fun in a schlocky B-creature feature sort of way), which unfortunately amounts to very little new material or insights into the Predator universe while also making the movie somewhat annoyingly predictable. Though I'm personally a bit grumpy that it wasn't more innovating, that doesn't mean it's a bad movie so if you liked the first two movies or like action in general give this one a watch!
811 души сметнаха този отзив за полезен
เปา กัมปนาท
25 януари 2019 г.
29 души сметнаха този отзив за полезен
6 септември 2021 г.
Ku pikir misi bertahan hidup ada di dalam pesawat induk predator aliens Yg besar gelap,dingin& mencekam Yg setiap individu yg di culik sebagai experimen aliens predator mencari siapa Yg unggul untuk Bertahan hidup pada tempat yg extrime