Premium Rush

2012. • 90 minuta
1,58 hilj. recenzija
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Звук и титлови на вашем језику нису доступни. Титлови су доступни на следећим језицима: енглески.

O ovom filmu

When a New York City bicycle messenger picks up an envelope at Columbia University, a dirty cop becomes desperate to get his hands on it and chases the messenger throughout the city.

Ocene i recenzije

1,58 hilj. recenzija
thegriffin88 gaming
8. novembar 2015.
I honestly turned this on one night because I had nothing to do. I expected a cross between Fast and the Furious and Speed but bikes. But the plot of the movie was surprisingly different. And a bit topical for what it's worth. It's a good film. Not great, but good enough that I feel like watching it a second time. Still though, these assholes will run you over.
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Google корисник
21. februar 2015.
I'm 44 and I love movies. I also don't care for subtext, I prefer to get lost in a movie. This was a great thrill and I'll definitely watch it again. It's not 5-stars or enough to actually buy, but it deserves no less than 4.
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Richard Griffin
16. decembar 2012.
Saw it in the Theaters. It was a action and suspense movie. I my opinion the acting was good but lacked the non-stop that I am used to. Do not get me wrong. I eenjoyed the movie, just not enough to own it.
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