Ashley Wheeler
I Know that the movie definitely has it's own pitfalls, Including but not limited to dumb characters & questionable actions by a scientific crew to move along the plot.... but the rest of the film is pretty spectacular, I love the world building and the questions it asks, they are fundamental questions for a species with amnesia, which is what we are. I wish we could have gotten more Engineer background or lore. Super fascinating as the space jockey.
Daniel Bennefield
You'll either Love it or hate it! Hard-core Alien fans who don't just crave monster violence will definitely enjoy this. Science fiction at its finest! Beautiful scenery and great build-up. I only gave it four out of five stars because the ending left a lot to be desired but all in all it is a damn good movie! 4/5
Love the movie ,although I will say shaw sounding like a mad scientist and not wanting any weapons on a expedition where they know not what is on the planet is rather stupid characters like tht I will say I don't mind them getting killed off