Propeller: A Vans Skateboarding Video

२०१५ • ६३ मिनेट
१७८ समीक्षाहरू
यो भिडियो वेब ब्राउजर वा यो एप चल्ने डिभाइसहरूमा हेर्नुहोस् थप जान्नुहोस्
तपाईंको भाषामा न त अडियो न उप-शीर्षकहरू उपलब्ध छन्‌। अङ्ग्रेजी मा उप-शीर्षकहरू उपलब्ध छन्‌।

यस चलचित्रका बारेमा

The first name in skateboarding footwear and apparel introduces its highly anticipated first-ever feature-length global skateboarding video, PROPELLER. Directed by acclaimed filmmaker Greg Hunt and featuring full parts from some of the biggest names in modern skateboarding alongside appearances from legends and true pioneers, PROPELLER presents a sweeping snapshot of modern skateboarding that only Vans can deliver.

मूल्याङ्कन र समीक्षाहरू

१७८ समीक्षाहरू
Andrew Cottle
२०१५ मे १३
This is is what skateboarding has needed in quite some time. A throwback to the golden age of videos before the 3 minute solo part took over. So many rippers coming together for an epic project that will stand the test of time. Propeller will definitely be on heavy rotation for a while. These dudes killed it and Greg Hunt knocked it out of the park with his latest offering.
तपाईंलाई यो समीक्षा सहयोगी लाग्यो?
Luke Shears
२०१५ मे २२
When I couldn't get the money to go to the London premiere in time I was bummed. Like seriously bummed. The other day, I get a notification it's available to buy. Now I'm f*ckin stoked!! Bought it straight away, and now I've watched it, I want to watch it again and again!! Seriously an amazing tribute to all the blood, sweat and decks we skaters go through everyday!! I loved the entire film and not at one point did I begin to get bored. Great to see the not-so-great attempts too right at the end! GREAT JOB VANS! One of the few films I'm happy I paid money for!
तपाईंलाई यो समीक्षा सहयोगी लाग्यो?
Front. Pop
२०१६ फेब्रुअरी ८
I enjoyed this so much, that I couldn't just watch it once. Its one of the videos that I keep rewatching and can never get tired of it. Simply one of my favorite full parts.
तपाईंलाई यो समीक्षा सहयोगी लाग्यो?

यस चलचित्रको मूल्याङ्कन गर्नुहोस्

हामीलाई आफ्नो धारणा बताउनुहोस्।