Pulp Fiction: Historky Z Podsvětí

1994 • 154 minút
116 recenzií
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Tento film

Kritici a diváci na celém světě oslavovali PULP FICTION: Historky z podsvětí jako hvězdný film, který ve 20. století předefinoval kinematografii. Scenárista a režisér Quentin Tarantino (držitel Oscara® z roku 1994 za nejlepší původní scénář) přichází s nezapomenutelným obsazením postav včetně dvojice laciných zabijáků (John Travolta a Samuel L. Jackson), gangsterovy ženy (Uma Thurmanová) a zoufalého boxera (Bruce Willis) v divoce zábavném a vzrušujícím dobrodružství o násilí a vykoupení!

Hodnotenia a recenzie

116 recenzií
Wait What?
14. septembra 2021
What the fuss is all about? This one is one of the boring Quarantine Tornado movies ever. Stopped watching half way through and started watching Kill Bill instead, my all time favourite Quitin' Tarantula movie. Three stars only for Uma Thuman being in the movie.
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Cory Beaulieu
18. februára 2023
Possibly Tarantino‘s seminal work. I was a teenager when this movie came out and I remember everyone being blown away by it. I believe QT is single-handedly responsible for the revival of John Travolta’s career with the character of Vincent Vega. The overlapping storylines, the fantastic writing, the impact this movie has on pop culture is legendary. Grab a booth at Jackrabbit Slims, light up a Red Apple, and get ready for the dance contest. 1 shake…Martin & Lewis!
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Johnny McDobbsy
29. decembra 2021
I think enough has been said about this film over the last 20 years or so that they're probably isn't much I could add that would be surprising or helpful. It's an amazing movie. Watch it if you haven't.
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