Google 用户
Started quite slowly, in fact the first hour was slow in my opinion. However, it started to redeem itself as the movie wore on, revealing more about the characters personalities. Bruce Willis was certainly the star for mine, really enjoyed his performance. Overall, worthwhile to see at least once in your life, even if it is just to see what all the hype is about!
Big Red
With the passing of 24 years, this film is no better than it was when it came out. It is easier to see now that the writer and director has some undiagnosed mental illness that allows him to put together a film largely of psychopathic or sociopathic characters that are completely unappealing. It is dehumanizing and intellectually vacuous. Where is the merit in it?
john garin
This cuts into reality with the famous Love for film Tanantino rides on with full orgasmic joy of coked up cowboy high after cosmic rush ejaculating all thru his being. Absolute indulgence in a particularly indulgent scene , Not all humans could understand these folks & even less could qualify or cope with the intensity of these lifestyles. 11/10